Built in a world where paranormal creatures exist but are not known to the humans, Intangible circles around the twins Sera and Luke.
The two live in oblivion to the beings that only lived in fairy tales despite their own gifts of which they used indiscriminately to help others in need.
Until Luke Saw a vision he never wanted to happen.
He felt helpless but was never truly so, as there were protectors around them all the time who didn't speak the whole truth to them until the last minute.
But does he really wield the power to change the future?
Luke and Sera are really close.
I wouldn't know but I'm guessing their gifts make them even closer than normal twins, it was as if they could read each other's minds.
They shy away from the crowd at school and kept only a close knit of friends of which they felt 'comfortable' with.
It was not until the end of the story that they realised what it really was that pulled them together.
And then here came Marc.
The mysterious guy who didn't seem to be affected by Sera's appeal.
At least, not in the way she thought.
I had hoped sincerely that he wouldn't be such a jerk because damn, they were so in love.
But he didn't deserve her.
It would be interesting to see how all their relationships unfold eventually, if they can really end up with who they should be with.
They say love transcends all boundaries, right?
It kept me missing it when I was away from the computer (sucker here has no e-reader, sadly) and all I wanted to keep scrolling and scrolling until I reached the credits.
Not quite as intense as the famous paranormal romance stories but with enough action to fill the book.
What I didn't quite like was how some scenes seemed to be repeating itself.
"Hey." "Hey yourself."
I just didn't quite see the point of repeating that.
And during some grim situations as well :/
Other than that, Meyers appears to have dropped way too much 'hints' that the story doesn't end there.
It's almost screaming "there will be a sequel and this and this will happen!".
Subtlety, my dear.
I just feel that maybe some of the characters didn't need to show up in this first book.
Or maybe they're just anxious to meet the crowd x)
That being said, I am looking forward to the next book in the series!
Title: Intangible
Author: J. Meyers
Series: Intangible #1
Genre: Paranormal YA
Goodreads Description: Twins Sera and Luke Raine have a well-kept secret—she heals with a touch of her hand, he sees the future. All their lives they’ve helped those in need on the sly. They’ve always thought of their abilities as being a gift.
Then Luke has a vision that Sera is killed. That gift they’ve always cherished begins to feel an awful lot like a curse. Because the thing about Luke’s ability? He’s always right. And he can’t do anything about it.
“Sera.” Jonas laughed again. “I lost my mortality, not my sense of humor. Why would you think we don’t laugh?”
There's a prequel to Intangible available for free here, and my review of that can be found here.
Go visit J. Meyer's page here, and stalk her here, here and here to get latest news of her next books! ^^